Thursday, September 27, 2007


In general, when we don't hear from someone, we may be tempted to think nothing is going on. No news is good news. The blog world teaches us differently, however. When someone is not offering up new posts, new bits and pieces of their life's musings, the opposite is often true. It's not that so little is going on (though this can certainly be the case) that there is a loss for interesting subject matter but more likely that there's so very much filling every day and every moment that it's nearly too much altogether.

Many of you are moving house, changing jobs, raising children, working, taking care of life, building things, going on new adventures and more, so I know you can identify. A couple days ago, for instance, I made a list of everything I need to do before October and not only was the list fifty-eight items long, I realized October? Well, that's next week. You understand, I know you do. And it would be one thing if everything on that list were as simple as comb hair but we know that just isn't so. There are much more demanding things to be done, like paint bathroom and talk to advisor at school . It's not often we have nothing to share, oh no; it's just finding a place to begin to share it is a task in itself.

Some things, though, just stand out. Some things happen and you just cannot help but share. I was running yesterday, about two miles from my house, and got my first "holla" of the year. "Holla," you ask? Well, yes. A "holla" is a name my running friends and I came up with years ago for when you're running down the street and someone, usually a man, yells something at you as he (or he and several others) drives by. It didn't have nearly the connotations then as it does now, but still it's an interesting phenomena, right? It's sort of strange that this is the first time it's happened this year but most of my running has been on trails, so I guess it's the law of averages.

And no, it's not one of those I Still Got It moments because, let me tell you, the holla is, by nature, not that attractive. I mean sure, when you're thirteen and you and your friends are walking down one side of the road and the group of boys/girls on the other side of the road start yelling something incoherent but clearly hilarious across that road, you are amused. This is surely some thirteen-year-old form of flirting and flattery. It may even be true as we get older, sixteen maybe? You're all driving for the first time, in your first car, and you want to get the attention of someone. You may yell out the window, I can understand this. I did this. But not any more.

Yesterday was a special one. I was running, from my house to meet my sister for a few miles and heard some loud music. Never a complaint from me, about that, of course. Well, apparently me looking toward said loud music was advance-like. Apparently, when you look toward a car with loud music, it means objectify me now because when this car turned the corner and drove by me, and it's passenger yelled "hey, baby" boy, did I feel hawt! I mean, that's awesome, right? A guy in his mid-forties, in the passenger side of an '89 minivan that, instead of rolling down the window, one must OPEN THE DOOR to yell something out to me as they drive by is down right sexy.

I'm glad it happened, though. What with the pace of life right now, what else would I have to talk about?


anne said...

I hear ya, oh do I hear ya. That is in relation to the first part - sice I am not so much the runner!

Anonymous said... that's funny. I had the same happen a few weeks back walking down the street. When I told a friend of mine that a group of pimply boys with no facial hair was yelling obscenities at me he says..."well, you are officially a MILF."

Ya great...a title I have been striving for apparently. NOT!

Joe said...

Classy guy...

Danielle said...

Oh, that's just so much fun...I love the yells and whistles when I'm running down the street, sweat dripping, hair in a pony tail looking like I'm about to die...yeah, I'm so smoking then.

I hate when the stupid teen boys thinking they are being funny honk their horn, when they are coming up behind scares the crap about of me! I'm so ready to chase them down and beat them for it...:)

egan said...

Look at you girl, getting all this attention while running. I can picture all of this going down. Women never do this to guys, I now know why.

I whistled at my neighbor today. Not because she looked cute in her running outfit, but because she was wearing her bath robe while rounding up their unruly dog.

Anonymous said...

The man of your dreams, right!? Ewww...

Appletini said...

That's classic! i was laughing so hard ;)

Diane Mandy said...

I turn 40 this year. Any attention is good attention. Pathetic, I know. Found you via Egan!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oooo a door opening yolla, yet! That's worth extra points!

Backofpack said...

Goodness, the last time I got a "holla" it was my own husband driving by...

Database Diva said...

Ah, the "holla". What on earth makes them do that? I get it all the time when running or walking around town. Even out on the trail where the highway isn't all that close they still honk and yell. Sometimes I just stop and stare at them with that "What's wrong with you, I'm a grandmother!" look. Ten years ago it might have been reassuring. Now it is just silly.

anne said...

I wanted to tell you that Magoo and I were out walking last night and some guy honked his horn and hollered at us!

OC said...

I hear ya on the 12 million things to do and things that have been going on. It's hard to even create a post that can attempt to encompass any of the 20-hour days that I've been putting in. Assuming I had the time to do so.

Congrats on the moment of learning btw. I'm still waiting for that - hopefully before my accounting midterm next week...