Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wherein my heart rate is immeasurable

The best thing about the last forty-eight hours is that a homeless man made me do some speed work.

Here I just might as well say hi, I'm overwhelmed with work and school and running, though I need it, is getting on my nerves. For one thing, I'm still not running as "fast" as I'd like to be. I'm currently cruising along at around a 10:00 pace and while that's acceptable, I find myself thinking I can go faster. I just don't.

I also think I could run a little longer than I am, but for some reason I get out there and four miles feels like enough. My long run on the weekend is maybe six or seven. I have no reason to push it. Heck, I can barely fit it in. And (imagine I am talking to running here, not you) for that matter, I'm kind of annoyed that I have to run at all- I kind of want to say forget it and go take a nap. I mean, I want to run but then it's just there and it's this thing. Believe me when I say if it weren't for that pesky (read: necessary) weight control "issue" I'd probably just drop this crap altogether. At which point I'd probably have to go into therapy. Man! This is just not going to work, no matter how I argue.

But I guess the point is I'm running anyway. Yesterday I had to fit it in at lunch, which was welcome because I was having the sort of day in the office where people not only know you're too busy but warn other people to stay away for the sake of the greater good or something. Or maybe they're just being nice to the crazy girl.

I decided to take a different route so I wouldn't get bored (the mind games we play) and headed South from the office instead of North. I had my Garmin with me so I thought I'd just make up the route as I went along. About 1.5 miles into my 4, I crossed under a bridge. I was about 3/4 of the way through when I hear this raspy, yet loud, voice yell "go go go!" And then I peed my pants. Okay, I did not but it was dang near. Instead, I picked up the pace a LOT, looked over my shoulder and saw a scruffy, bearded, homeless man standing at the edge of the bridge waving the standard bottle-in-a-paper-bag arm and squinting in the sun. Also, no one else was around. It is not an exaggeration to say that I ran like hell, all the way back to my office.

That last mile was a solid 8:15. I hate speed work.


Anonymous said...

your running inspires me.

Anonymous said...

It would have been really funny if you actually had peed your pants.

Maggie said...

LOL I would have died laughing if you had actually peed your britches.

singleton said...

Oh, you make me smile.....

Danielle said...

He was cheering you on!!

I so know what you mean about the speed. I hadn't fun in a really long time, but was fairly speedy in high school, just didn't run a long distance. When I started out again (5 years ago), 10-10:30 was normal pace for runs. Now a typical "easy" run is in the 9 or so, and long runs (up to even 20-22 miles) I even tend to push out into a 9:10-9:20 sometimes. All it takes is adding more running, eventually you will see the speed come, as your body gets stronger (oh and run on hills and over icy roads in the winter, helps strengthen the legs!)

RunToTheFinish said...

Sometimes running pushes you and sometimes you push the running...as you know it pays off to keep with it. I totally hate those runs where someone surprises me because I didn't see them...but hey let's hear it for sprints!

afuntanilla said...

good for u. i've had moments like that too!

maybe it you sign up for a race it will help with getting out there. a goal helps. what do u think?

anne said...

he could totally be your trainer - out there scaring you to death!

justacoolcat said...

Yes! There's something very movie script about having a homeless man as your running coach. You know weight control issues aside; I've always thought exercise was the best therapy.

Anonymous said...

well the scare got your heart pumping. So that was twice the amount of work you were expecting. heck...at least you are stronger than most (read: me) and don't give into your procrastinations.

megabrooke said...

ha, i love how you just had a little side convo with "running" and not us. that was good.
sometimes i try and change my route too, and that does do the trick. or change the time of day i go (although i know you like your early am routine). good luck!

Aaron said...

I wish I could get back into the saddle. It seems that my body just wants to call it quits between the 3-4mi mark. I just can't do it anymore. I don't know if it's mental or I'm just bonking. I wish I could pull the 6-7mi weekends like I used to. :(

Barbara Bruederlin said...

You've got a fan! I would keep running that route. Maybe next time you'll get the sports movie slow clap. That'd be awesome.

Sizzle said...

not really the kind of inspiration you were looking for from him.

Anonymous said...

I would feel totally guilty in finding humor in someone's loss of bladder control. But I'm grateful for the chuckle often found here.

Craver said...

If scary homeless man is required for an 8:15mm I'm content to stay right where I am (ps I too, however at about 10 mm) .. cuz.. EEK.

Truth be told, I broke my pinky toe a couple weeks ago, and I'd give a kidney right about now if I could just WALK a few miles without crying. YEah. this is the suck.

Anonymous said...

Well at least your safe.